
Archives for : Local Big History


10-12 July 2015

Sponsored by OCR under the OCR-SHP Partnership

Leeds Trinity University

Workshop Sessions
A8 & D5

Workshop Session A –
A8 (Room T20)
Friday 10th July 2015


Workshop Session D
D5 (Room T13)
Saturday 11th July 2015

‘My mum’s got photographs of Tudor planes’:
Can Big History build T13 chronological frameworks?

Over the last two years, the history department at Ilkley Grammar School has been experimenting with a Big History unit, based on the work of Rick Rogers, which aims to provide a framework of knowledge covering the development of humans from hunter-gatherer bands to today’s multi-national society. The framework focuses on how societal structures, the way we acquire our resources, and the way we think (collectively) have changed across time.

In this session, Laura and Dan will share their experiences, resources and results from teaching this experimental unit. Particular reference will be paid to how big misconceptions can be challenged through Big History; for example, perceptions of cultural inferiority, attitudes regarding the intelligence of people in the past, and the assumption that progress in time always means betterment. They will also consider the impact that the Big History unit has had on the way students understand and contextualise their subsequent studies.

Laura Goodyear, Teacher of History and Lead Teacher and Dan Nuttall, Head of History, Ilkley Grammar School.

In The Beginning

Before the first stars formed, the universe contained only HYDROGEN, HELIUM, and small amounts of LITHIUM (created in the first minutes after the Big Bang, when the universe as a whole was still hot enough to sustain fusion).

But massive stars create carbon, oxygen, and all manner of heavier elements through fusion all the way up to iron.

When these stars run out of fuel and explode as supernovae, the huge amounts of energy released often allow for the formation of even heavier elements like gold, uranium, and others.