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Jantsch, Eric. (1980). The Self-Organizing Universe: Scientific and Human Implications of the Emerging Paradigm of Evolution. Oxford: Pergamon Press.

(1981). Cosmic Dawn: The Origins of Matter and Life. Boston: Little, Brown.

(1982). The Broadest View of the Biggest Picture: An Essay on Radiation, Matter, Life. Harvard Magazine, January/February, pp. 2125.

Capra, Fritjof. (1982). The Turning Point: Science, Society and the Rising Culture. New York: Simon & Schuster.

Prigogine, Ilya; Isabelle Stengers. (1984). Order out of Chaos: Mans New Dialogue with Nature. London: Heinemann.

Mears, John. (1986). Evolutionary Process: An Organizing Principle for General Education. The Journal of General Education 37 (4): 113125.

Asimov, Isaac. (1987). Beginnings: The Story of Origins of Mankind, Life, the Earth, the Universe. New York, Berkeley Books.

(1987). The Life Era: Cosmic Selection and Conscious Evolution. New York: Norton.

Kutter, G. Siegfried. (1987). The Universe and Life: Origins and Evolution. Cambridge (Massachusetts): James and Bartlett.

Preiss, Byron (editor). (1987) The Universe. New York: Bantam Books.

(1988). Oasis in Space: Earth History from the Beginning. New York, W.W. Norton & Company.

Ferris, Timothy, (1989). Coming of Age in the Milky Way. New York: Morrow.

Trefil, James. (1989). Reading the Mind of God: In Search of the Principle of Universality. New York: Charles Scribners Sons.

Christian, David. (1991). The Case for Big History. The Journal of World History 2 (2): 223238 (

Reeves, Hubert. (1991). Hour of Our Delight: Cosmic Evolution, Order, and Complexity. New York: W.H. Freeman & Company.

Elias, Norbert. (1992). Time: An Essay. Oxford: Basil Blackwell.

Neprimerov, N. (1992). Mirozdanie [The Universe]. Kazan: Kazan State University.

Swimme, Brian; Thomas Berry. (1992). The Universe Story: From the Primordial Flaring Forth to the Ecozoic Era: A Celebra?ion of the Unfolding of the Cosmos. San Francisco: Harper Collins.

Hoyle, Fred; Chandra Wickramasinghe. (1993, 1996). Our Place in the Cosmos: The Unfinished Revolution. London: Phoenix.

Kauffman, Stuart. (1993). The Origins of Order: Self-Organization and Selection in Evolution. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Lewin, Roger. (1993). Complexity: Life at the Edge of Chaos. London: J.M. Dent, Limited.

Life in the Universe. (1994). Scientific American 271 (4), October 1994. Published, 1995, as Life in The Universe: Scientific American Special Issue. New York: W.H. Freeman & Company.

Gell-Mann, Murray. (1994). The Quark and the Jaguar: Adventures in the Simple and the Complex. New York: W.H. Freeman & Company.

Morrison, Philip; Phylis Morrison and The Office of Charles and Ray Eames. (1994). Powers of Ten: About the Relative Size of Things in the Universe. New York: W.H. Freeman & Company.

Davies, Paul. (1995). Are we Alone? New York: HarperCollins Publishers, Inc.

(1995). At Home in the Universe: The Search for Laws of Complexity. London: Viking.

Drees, Willem. (1996). Van Niets tot Nu: Een wetenschappelijk scheppingsverhaal. Kampen: Uitgeverij Kok.

Reeves, Hubert; Jo? de Rosnay, Yves Coppens, Dominique Simonnet. (1996). La Plus Belle Histoire du Monde: Les secrets de nos origins. Paris: Editions du Seuil.

Spier, Fred. (1996). The Structure of Big History: From the Big Bang until Today, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Rees, Martin. (1997). Before the Beginning: Our Universe and Others. London: Simon & Schuster.

(1998). Universe: An Evolutionary Approach to Astronomy. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice Hall.

(1998). The Cosmic Environment for the Growth of Complexity. Biosystems 46: 1319.

Delsemme, Armand. (1998). Our Cosmic Origins: From the Big Bang to the Emergence of Life and Intelligence. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Prantzos, Nikos. (1998, 2000). Our Cosmic Future: Humanitys Fate in the Universe. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

(1998). Origins: Cosmos, Earth and Mankind. New York: Arcade Publishing.

Scientific American. (1998 [Spring]). Magnificent Cosmos: Exploring the Universe, From our Solar Neighborhood to Beyond Distant Galaxies. Scientific American 9 (1).

(1998). Big History: Was die Geschichte im Innersten zusammenh?t. Darmstadt: Primus Verlag.

V?ez, Antonio. (1998). Del big bang al Homo sapiens. Medell?: Editorial Universidad de Antioquia.

(1999). Geschiedenis in het Groot: Een alomvattende visie. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

(1999). !B@C:BC@0 >4LH>9 AB>@88 (The Structure of Big History). )!”+ # ! !”, (Social Sciences Today) 5. Moscow: Russian Academy of Sciences, pp. 152163.

Adams, Fred; Greg Laughlin. (1999). The Five Ages of the Universe: Inside the Physics of Eternity. New York: The Free Press.

Levy, David (editor). (2000). The Scientific American Book of the Cosmos. New York: St. Martin Press.

Nottale, Laurent; Jean Chaline, Pierre Grou. (2000). Les arbres de levolution: Universe, vie, soci??. Paris, Hachette.

Ward, Peter; Donald Brownlee. (2000, 2004). Rare Earth: Why Complex Life is Uncommon in the Universe. New York, Copernicus Books.

(2001). Cosmic Evolution: The Rise of Complexity in Nature. Cambridge: Harvard University Press.

(2002). Creation: From Nothing until Now. London: Routledge.

Morowitz, Harold. (2002). The Emergence of Everything: How the World Became Complex. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

(2002). The Apollo 8 Earthrise Photo. Amsterdam, Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies.

Bryson, Bill. (2003). A Short History of Nearly Everything. London: Random House.

(2003). A unifying concept for astrobiology. International Journal of Astrobiology 2 (2): 91101.

Benjamin, Craig. (2004). Beginnings and Endings (Chapter 5). Palgrave Advances: World History, pp. 90111, M. Hughes-Warrington (editor). London and New York: Palgrave/Macmillan.

(2004). Complexity: An Energetics Agenda. Complexity 9 (3): 1421.

(2004). Maps of Time: An Introduction to Big History. Berkeley: University of California Press. Translations into Spanish (2005) and Chinese (2007).

Lerner, Eric. (2004). Bucking the Big Bang. New Scientist #2448: 20.

Lineweaver, Charles; Yeshe Fenner and Brad Gibson. (2004). The Galactic Habitable Zone and the Age Distribution of Complex Life in the Milky Way. Science 303 (2): 5962.

Nazaretyan, Akop. (2004). Civilization Crises within the Context of Big (Universal) History: Self-Organization, Psychology, and Futorology (in Russian). Moscow: Mir-Publishers.

(2005). Western and Russian Traditions of Big History: A Philosophical Insight. Journal for General Philosophy of Science 36: 6380.

(2005). Connections and Continuities: Integrating World History into Longer Analytical Frameworks. Historically Speaking 6 (5): 3134.

Niele, Frank. (2005). Energy: Engine of Evolution. Amsterdam: Elsevier, Shell Global Solutions.

Snooks, Graeme. (2005). Big History or Big Theory? Uncovering the Laws of Life. Social Evolution & History 4 (1): 160188.

(2005). Exploring the Horizons of Big History (Guest editor, special issue, Social Evolution & History 4 (1).

(2005). The Ghost of Big History is Roaming the Earth. History & Theory 44: 253264.

(2005). The Small History of the Big History Course at the University of Amsterdam. World History Connected 2 (2).

(2005). How Big History Works: Energy Flows and Rise and Demise of Complexity. Social Evolution & History 4 (1): 87135 (

(2006). Why Big History? Philosophy, Science & Humanities. Moscow: Russian Ministry of Education 8: 104106.

(2006). Epic of Evolution: Seven Ages of the Cosmos. New York: Columbia University Press.

(2006). The Goldilocks Enigma. London: Allen Lane.

May, Brian; Patrick Moore, Chris Lintott. (2006). Bang! The Complete History of the Universe. Bristol: Carlton Books.

Primack, Joel; Nancy Abrams. (2006). The View from the Center of the Universe: Discovering Our Extraordinary Place in the Cosmos. New York: Riverhead Books.

Ashrafi, Babak. (2007). Big History? Positioning the History of Science, pp. 711, Kostas Gavroglu and J?gen Renn (editors). Dordrecht: Springer.

Aunger, Robert. (2007). Major Transitions in Big History. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74 (8): 11371163.

Brown, Cynthia Stokes. (2007). Big History: From the Big Bang to the Present, New York: New Press.

(2007). A Rigorous Periodization of Big History. Technological Forecasting and Social Change 74 (8): 11641178.

Gehrels, Tom. (2007). Survival through Evolution: From Multiverse to Modern Society. Charleston: BookSurge Publishing.

Reijnders, Lucas; Bert De Reuver, Egbert Tellegen (editors). (2007). Toekomst in het Groot (Big Futures). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press.

Verburgh, Kris. (2007). FANTASTISCH! Over het
(?universe?) in ons hoofd. Antwerp: Houtekiet.

(2008). Long-term global heating from energy usage. EOS, Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 89 (28): 253254.

(2008) Bang, Life on Earth, and the Rise of Humanity (48 half-hour lectures for The Teaching Company).

Jastrow, R.; Michael Rampino. (2008). Origins of Life in the Universe. Cambridge University Press.

Lesch, Harald; Harald Zaun. (2008). Die k?zeste Geschichte allen Lebens: Eine Reportage ?er 13,7 Milliarden Jahre Werden und Vergehen. Munich: Piper Verlag.

Lloyd, Christopher. (2008). What on Earth Happened?: The Complete Story of the Planet, Life, and People from the Big Bang to the Present Day. London: Bloomsbury,

Alvarez, Walter; P. Claeys, and A. Montanari. (2009). Time-Scale Construction and Periodizing in Big History: From the Eocene-Oligocene Boundary to All of the Past. Geological Society of America, Special Paper # 452: 115.

(2009). The Convergence of Logic, Faith and Values in the Modern Creation Myth. Evolutionary Epic: Sciences Story and Humanitys Response, C. Genet, B. Swimme, R. Genet, and L. Palmer (editors). Los Angeles: Collins Foundation Press.

(2009). Why Arent More People Teaching Big History? Evolutionary Epic: Sciences Story and Humanitys Response, C. Genet, B. Swimme, R. Genet and L. Palmer (editors). Los Angeles: Collins Foundation Press.

Burke III, Edmund (Terry); David Christian and Ross Dunn. (2009). World History: The Big Eras: A Compact History of Humankind for Teachers and Students. Los Angeles: National Center for History in the Schools, University of California, Los Angeles,

(2009 [April]). The heat to come… New Scientist #2702: 2425.

(2009). The Evolutionary Epic and the Chronometric Revolution. The Evolutionary Epic: Sciences Story and Humanitys Response, pp. 9199, Cheryl Genet, Russell Genet, Brian Swimme, Linda Palmer, Linda Gibler (editors). Santa Margarita, California: Collins Foundation Press.

(2009). History and Science after the Chronometric Revolution. Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context, pp. 441462, J. Steven Dick and L. Mark Lupisella (editors).

(2009). Big History: The longest dur?. ?terreichische Zeitschrift f? Geschichtswissenschaften, 20. Jg., Band 2, pp. 91106. Special issue on Global History, Peer Vries (editor).

Dean, John. (2009). Looking for Great Big History Books. FindLaw: (

Dick, J. Steven; L. Mark Lupisella (editors). (2009). Cosmos & Culture: Cultural Evolution in a Cosmic Context. National Aeronautics and Space Administration, SP-4802.

Duncan; Todd; Craig Tyler. (2009). Your Cosmic Context: An Introduction to Modern Cosmology. San Francisco: Pearson Addison Wesley.

Fernlund, Kevin. (2009). To Think Like a Star: The American West, Modern Cosmology, and Big History. Montana: The Magazine of Western History 59: 2344.

(2009). The Cosmological Foundation of Our World, Seen in a Revised History of our Universe. University of Arizona, Tucson: (

Genet, Cheryl; Brian Swimme, Russell Genet and Linda Palmer (editors). (2009). The Evolutionary Epic: Sciences Story and Humanitys Response. Santa Margarita: Collins Foundation Press.

(2009). Implications of the Evolutionary Epic for the Study of Human History. The Evolutionary Epic: Sciences Story and Humanitys Response, pp. 135144, Cheryl Genet and others (editors). Santa Margarita: Collins Foundation Press.

(2009). Technology, Psychology and Catastrophes: On the Evolution of Non-Violence in Human History. Social Evolution & History 8 (2): 102132.

Potter, Christopher. (2009). You Are Here: A Portable History of the Universe. New York, Harper Collins.

Rodrigue, Barry; Daniel Stasko. 2009. A Big History Directory, (2009): An Introduction. World History Connected 6 (3).

(2009). Big History: The Emergence of an Interdisciplinary Science? World History Connected 6 (3).

(2010). Big History & the Future of Humanity. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell. (To be translated into Spanish and Chinese).

Stasko, Daniel; Barry Rodrigue. (2010). A Preliminary Look at Big History Today. Social Evolution & History 9 (2): 135165.

(2010). Courses of Big History in the Universities of the World. AB>@8G5A:0O ?A8E>;>38O 8 A>F8>;>38O 8AB>@88 (Historical Psychology & Sociology) 3 (2).

(2010). Changing the Future with the Past: Global Enlightenment through Big History. The Journal of Globalization Studies 1 (2).

Grinin, Leonid; Andrey Korotayev. (2010). Evolutionary Megaparadigm: Potential, Problems, Perspectives. Evolution: Cosmic, Biological, and Social, Leonid Grinin and others (editors), Volgograd: Uchitel.

Hendrickson, Brandon. (2010). Organic Spiral History: A Proposal. Seattle: Social & Cultural Foundations of Education Program, University of Washington. Unpublished graduate paper (EDC 1566).

(2010). The Return of Universal History. History and Theory 49: 526. (Forthcoming).

Rodrigue, Barry. (2010). Big History, Civilization and Human Survival. Thought & Action 26.

(2010). Ark of the Sun: The Improbable Voyage of Life. (Forthcoming).

Christian, David; Cynthia Brown and Craig Benjamin. (2011). Between Nothing and Everything: Big History. Boston: McGraw-Hill.

Ellis, William. (2011). A Gaian Paradigm.

Internet, Radio, TV & Film Resources on Big History

Cosmos. Public Broadcasting Service. This is a 13-part television series.
Carl Sagan, Ann Druyan and Steven Soter.

Big History, University of Amsterdam
Fred Spier, site manager.


Cosmic Evolution: From Big Bang to Humankind
Eric Chaisson and Dana Berry, Wright Centre for Science Education, (originally Tufts University) now at Harvard.

World History for Us All
This is a web-based, pre-collegiate model curriculum incorporating Big History into World History.
Ross Dunn, project director, San Diego State University.

The Great Story: An Epic of Evolution
Connie Barlow, website manager.

The Arrow of Time: A Linear Rendering of Forward Time
Eric Chaisson and Dana Berry, Wright Centre for Science Education, (originally Tufts University) now at Harvard.

An Introduction to Big History with David Christian and William H. McNeill.
YouTube broadcast, 30 December 2008.
David Christian
(Macquarie University) and
William McNeill (University of Chicago).

Science & Canon for Human Culture
Click inside the opening slide and the use your keyboard arrows to move through the show.
Lowell Gustafson (Villanova University).

Big History, Twitter Site

Fred Spier, site manager, University of Amsterdam.

Big History, University of Southern Maine
Resource site of syllabi, web-links, essays, etc.
Barry Rodrigue, site manager, University of Southern Maine.

Big History Club, Facebook
This is an international club for Big History students, run by the students themselves.
John Kimball (University of Southern Maine), site manager.

Bill Gates about Big History course.
YouTube, 22 April 2009.
Bill Gates (Microsoft Corporation) and Charlie Rose (Public Broadcasting Service).

Zooming In & Out of History
John West, History Department, California State University San Marcos.

Fred Spier interviewed by Marshall Poe on New Books in History.

Big History Group Library, Zotero
Rich Blundell, site manager.

Walter Alvarez & Roland Saekow, Earth & Planetary Science, University of California Berkeley.

The Institute of Global Dynamic Systems
Graeme Snooks,
Institute of Advanced Studies, Australian National University.

Marshall Poe, Fred Spier.
Big History and the Future of Humanity, in New Books in History, 1 October 2010:

Its Time For A New Narrative; Its Time For Big History, National Public Radio (USA):

BIG HISTORY (2013) 17 part series on the H2 channel –


“The Superpower of Salt”

We all know that mankind can’t live without air, food and water…the same is true of salt. The salt on your table is a key to unlocking the story of our planet and the cosmos. Big History reveals how this simple molecule underpins our civilisation, launched wars, built monuments like the Great Wall of China, sparked revolutions from India to France…and it’s even the substance that makes up our thoughts.

“Gold Fever”

This episode asks why mankind is gold crazy, and discovers there’s a hard-wired reason we lust after it, and a microscopic explanation for why it shines. We reveal how the science behind our favourite metal drives men across oceans and continents, and how a difference in the way it’s used in each hemisphere leads to a clash of civilisations.

“Horse Power Revolution”

The horse has been a revolutionary animal in unexpected ways. It has changed how we speak, what we wear, and sets the hidden limit for the size of our most massive empires. It’s a story that spans the cosmos, from the Big Bang, to the sun, to a changing planet that turned the horse into man’s best friend in the animal kingdom.

“Below Zero”

Reveals how cold has the power to turn men into Barbarians, spark history’s longest running war, and create the concept of race. After the heat of the Big Bang, cold creates the Universe and the planet as we know it. For thousands of years on Earth, cold controls the fate of our species by changing our bodies, our skin, and even the metals we use to fight our wars. When we finally take control of the cold, we learn to dominate the planet.


From the Great Pyramid at Giza to the towering skyscrapers of today, humans have engineered massive constructions for at least 5,000 years. But why? How do biology and human emotions affect our desire to build gigantic structures? Why were the earliest mega-structures almost always pyramids? Why do people have the urge to build tall, and how do mega-structures on earth echo a basic principle embedded in the very structure of the universe?

“World of Weapons”

Humans have small teeth and no claws or armour, so how do we project our power? Warfare has defined traditional history, but Big History digs deeper to reveal how it all began. We see how bat poop and ancient trees shaped the history of weapons, and link the gun all the way back to a change in our bodies that turned us into throwing machines.

“Rise of the Carnivores”

Eating meat made us human … by giving us bigger brains, better tools, and spoken language. The human need for beef has driven history across the hemispheres, but how did we turn an ancient mega-beast into the cow we have today? Big History traces all the beef on earth back to a single prehistoric herd.

“Mountain Machines”

They form natural boundaries, dictate how we spread around the planet, create natural defences, and control our weather. From the World War that began with a gunshot in the Balkans to the feuds of the Appalachians, mountains have also been flashpoints for violence. They provide minerals and metals that make civilisation possible, and the water that feeds billions, yet we were never designed to live in their extreme environments. Without mountains earth would be desolate and uninhabitable, and scientists now believe that an invisible mountain range made life possible in the first place.

“Brain Boost”

Behind that cup of coffee or tea is a global story that goes back to the collision that created the Moon and the evolution of plant and animal life. The key is the molecule that gives your morning cup its kick: caffeine, the most popular drug in history. This is the story of how a plant poison became our drug of choice, and stimulated revolutions around the planet.

“Defeating Gravity”

Flight takes more than wings. We need the right kind of air, the perfect materials cooked up over billions of years, and cosmic forces that are just right for us to leave the ground without tumbling off into space. Big History reveals how planet Earth is the perfect planet for flight.

“Cell Phone”

Humans have small teeth and no claws or armour, so how do we project our power? Warfare has defined traditional history, but Big History digs deeper to reveal how it all began. We see how bat poop and ancient trees shaped the history of weapons, and link the gun all the way back to a change in our bodies that turned us into throwing machines.

“Deadly Meteors”

Impacts from space have created our planet and just about everything in it. Like celestial supply ships, they brought in water, metal, and maybe even life. They made our moon and sculpted the geography of our planet, but just as they created everything we know, they will likely snuff it all out in a fiery burst of destruction.


Secret codes run the world. The code of life, DNA, is the operating system for all organisms, which spawned intelligent life like us who eventually created codes of our own–language that allows us to talk and the alphabet that lets us write. We’ve even created an entire digital universe built of binary code that powers the machinery of the modern age. But is it possible that the universe itself runs on code?

“Silver Supernova”

At critical moments in history, our second place metal was the most important metal on Earth. Big History reveals how silver’s place in our minds was determined by the heat of exploding stars, and how this one metal saved democracy, gave us the dollar, and had a secret power to connect the world.

“The Sun”

The Sun is our master and creator. It gives us our perception of time, controls our reality, and powers our lives. Big History sheds new light on our nearest star, revealing that ancient sun worship intersects with science, that our bodies are fine-tuned to the 24-hour day, and history is driven in unseen ways by the simple way we circle our star.


Water is the miracle molecule, and mankind has used its perfect properties to revolutionize our lives. It was our first superhighway, the lifeblood of civilization, and gives us 90% of all the power we use today. This episode reveals how the science behind water is the driving force behind history.

“The Big History of Everything”

This 2-hour special crisscrosses billions of years of time and space to show how everyone, and everything, is linked in one universal story. It weaves together science and history to reveal how an epic series of improbable events connect in order to make life possible–from the Big Bang to the rise of man and even our mysterious future.